31 Sunday

Benefits of Artificial Grass

Benefits of Artificial Grass 7 Benefits of Installing Artificial Grass for Your Lawn A lot of people turn to using artificial grass for their lawns today, and it's no surprise why. There are many benefits that come with having this convenient system installed around your home. From saving countless hours and hundreds of dollars maintaining natural grass to reducing water consumption, having artificial grass is definitely worth the money. If you're on the fence about artificial turf, continue reading to see the benefits for yourself! 1. Water Reduction Usually, a natural grass lawn requires regular watering about twice a day to maintain its lush, green appearance. The only [...]

28 Tuesday

Keep Your Curb Appeal Year-Round

Keep Your Curb Appeal Year-Round If you own or have owned a home that has used natural grass, you know just how hard it can be to keep that grass green, especially in the Summer with strict watering regulations and in the Winter when the soil just gets too cold to feed your grass. Not to mention if you over water your property, you can get hit with a costly fine. But even during a drought, the thing you care most about is the appearance of your home, so how do you keep your grass green? Well, the solution we have found is to ditch grass, kinda. Artificial grass is the next big step [...]

22 Wednesday

Artificial Grass Is Better Now Than Ever Before

Artificial Grass Is Better Now Than Ever Before If you've had a family member that had artificial grass in its infancy, you probably remember a landscaping alternative that was weak, uncomfortable and probably nothing like grass at all, more like carpet as we remember it! Because the infancy of artificial grass was nothing but amazing, many people will always remember artificial grass for what it once was. But, modern advancements have made today's artificial grass more realistic than ever, reminiscent of the greenest, lushest grass you have ever seen. So today, we are going to be going over a few of the reasons why we think artificial grass is better now than ever before! [...]

17 Friday

What Is Face Weight

What Is Face Weight When you are first taking the leap into the wonderful world of artificial grass, you may hear some terms that you have never heard before. We all know that contractors have different slang for the things they work with and install, but there is a term in the world of artificial turf that seems to allude even some of the people that have had artificial grass for years, face weight. We know its a funny-sounding slang but it is actually a term that explains the quality of your grass and its comfort. Today, we will be taking a look at what face weight means and how it can benefit you. [...]

12 Sunday

Artificial Grass Vs. Real Grass. Pros & Cons

Artificial Grass Vs Real Grass The Pros And Cons Ever been at an event and a random conversation starts about the debate of artificial grass vs natural grass? Well, we know that some of us like to converse with friends, family, and coworkers about upgrades we are making to our homes but sometimes the argument can get heated. Well, what option is better than the other? Today, we are going to be taking a closer look at this debate, outlining the pros and the cons of each of these systems. You can read what we have found down below! Natural Grass- The Pros We all know and love the smell, [...]

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